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Remedi Sosiologi UAS Semester 1



Jalan Kusumabangsa 21, Tlp : (031) 5345155, 5469721 Fax : (031) 5479254 e-mail : Headmaster@smun5-sby.sch.id
SURABAYA ( 60272 )

TAHUN : 2012 / 2013

                                                     Pelajaran                        : Sosiologi
                                                     Kelas / Semester             : X / GANJIL
                                                     Hari / Tangggal               : SENIN10 DESEMBER 2012
                                                     Waktu                            : 08.30 – 09.30 WIB

 1.  Cours de Philosophic Positive adalah karya dari ....
      a. Emile Durkheim
      b. Max Weber
      c. Lewis Coser
      d. Auguste Comte
      e. Karl Marx
2.   Berikut yang termasuk contoh tindakan afektif adalah ....
      a. warga Villa Harjosari membangun sebuah masjid
      b. mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah
      c. Fadhil meratapi meninggalnya sang kekasih belahan jiwanya
      d. memperingati   Hari  Pendidikan  Nasional dengan   mengenang   jasa   para   pahlawan pendidikan
      e. mematuhi nasihat guru dan orang tua
3.   Sumbangan pemikiran Karl Marx yang terpenting dalam sosiologi adalah pembagian masyarakat praindustri atas dua kelas, yaitu borjuis dan proletar. Kedua kelas ini memiliki kepentingan yang saling ....
      a. bertentangan
      b. menyesuaikan
      c. disesuaikan
      d. melengkapi
      e. mendukung
4.   Sosiologi dapat dimanfaatkan dalam perencanaan sosial karena ....
      a. dapat mencegah potensi konflik
      b. berperan menjaga keutuhan masyarakat
      c. merupakan ilmu murni, bukan terapan
      d. memampukan   seorang   perencana   untuk memahami sekilas dari kehidupan sosial
      e. mampu   mengantarkan   seorang  perencana untuk memahami perkembangan masyarakat
5.   Salah satu contoh kebutuhan integratif adalah
      a. prinsip benardan salah
      b. bagian besar dan kecil
      c. perlindungan akan iklim dan cuaca
      d. kebutuhan akan kegiatan bersama
      e. memperoleh pendidikan yang baik

6.   Teori nativisme berpandangan bahwa ....
      a. kepribadian ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh faktor keturunan
      b. kepribadian ditentukan oleh faktor keturun­an dan lingkungan pergaulan
      c. pendidikan berperan membentuk kepribadi­an individu
      d. individu terlahir dengan sikap-sikap yang masih bisa dibentuk dalam lingkungan ke-luarga
      e. individu yang baru dilahirkan ibaratnya sehelai kertas putih bersih
7.   Perhatikan hal-hal berikut!
      1) Keterikatan
      2) Kebutuhan
      3) Keintiman
      4) Kesetiaan
      Unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam cinta, di antaranya adalah ....
      a. 1 dan 2                      d. 2 dan 3
      b. 1 dan 3                      e. 2 dan 4
      c. 1 dan 4
8.   Sistematis,  berencana,  dan  mengikuti  konsep dalam prosedur penelitian ilmiah merupakan .... suatu penelitian sosial.
      a. tujuan                        d. permasalahan
      b. tanggapan                 e. objek
      c. syarat
9.   Penelitian   tentang   perilaku   warga   Porong, Sidoarjo pasca bencana luapan lumpur Lapindo tergolong ....
      a. cross sectional studies
      b. longitudinal studies
      c. survei
      d. penelitian eksperimen
      e. penelitian terapan
10. Perhatikan kondisi-kondisi di bawah ini!
      1) Bertahan untuk periode waktu tertentu
      2) Mendatangkan manfaat bagi sistem sosial
      3) Berbentuk konformitas
      4) Merupakan pelanggaran nilai-nilai sosial

Remedi Sosiologi UAS Semester 1

Parrillo (1987) mengemukakan bahwa adanyj masalah sosial dapat diketahui dari sejumlii kondisi, yaitu ....
      a. 1 dan 2                      d. 2 dan 3
      b. 1 dan 3                      e. 2 dan 4
      c. 1 dan 4
11. Salah satu contoh norma kesusilaan sebagai pen­man hidup adalah ....
      a. adat kebiasaan dalam masyarakat
      b. sopan santun dalam berbicara
      c. berpakaian sesuai dengan mode zaman
      d. bertindak sesuai dengan undang-undang
      e. menyesuaikan   diri   dengan   kaidah-ka: agama
12. Setiap hari Minggu, semua orang tahu bahwa itulah saat untuk beristirahat sejenak dari segala rutinitas dan menyegarkan kembali silaturahmi dengan   seluruh   anggota   keluarga.   Hal   ini menunjukkan sifat interaksi yang ....
      a. aksidental, tidak direncanakan
      b. berulang terus, tapi tidak terencana
      c. karena  rancangan  dan  aturan  oleh  suatu kebiasaan atau peraturan tertentu
      d. teratur,  tidak  direncanakan,  namun  juga umum
      e. resiprokal
13. Kehidupan masyarakat desa terlihat tenang, aman, dan tenteram karena semua warganya bertindak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang mengatur status dan peranan masing-masing. Keteraturan sosial tersebut terbentuk karena adanya ....
      a. tindakan, peran, dan status sosial
      b. nilai, norma, perilaku, dan proses sosial
      c. aksi, reaksi, interaksi, dan dinamika sosial
      d. individu, kelompok, komunitas, dan masya­rakat
      e. pola perilaku, keajegan, dan orde sosial
14. Komunikasi dapat menghasilkan interaksi sosial dan kerja sama apabila ....
      a. semua pihak sama-sama diuntungkan
      b. terjadi pergaulan
      c. terdapat sikap saling memahami maksud dan tujuan
      d. tidak terjadi bentrokan     
      e. masing-masing pihak mementingkan orang lain
15. Arman melambaikan tangannya kepada pengemudi bus yang sedang lewat. Selanjutnya penge-mudi menghentikan bus yang dikemudikannya. Interaksi sosial tersebut dapat terjadi setelah makna pesan dipahami melalui proses ....
      a. tindakan sosial          d. sugesti sosial
      b. kontak sosial             e. simpati sosial
      c. komunikasi sosial
      Perhatikan hal-hal berikut!
      1) Dilakukan minimal dua orang    
      2) Ada reaksi dari pihak lain
      3) Ada kontak sosial dan komunikasi
      4) Bersifat timbal balik dan berkesinambungan
      Uraian di atas merupakan ....
      a. ciri-ciri interaksi sosial
      b. fungsi interaksi sosial                           
      c. tujuan interaksi sosial           
      d. bentuk interaksi sosial       
      e. dasar interaksi sosial
16. Dalam upaya menyelesaikan konflik sosial di Ambon beberapa waktu yang lalu, pemerintah mempertemukan keinginan pihak-pihak yang bertikai untuk berunding. Kedua pihak menge-sampingkan perbedaan kepentingan sehingga tercapai kesepakatan bagi penyelesaian konflik tersebut. Kasus tersebut merupakan contoh in­teraksi sosial dalam bentuk ....
      a. kompromi                  d. ajudikasi
      b. stalemate                  e. koersif
      c. konsiliasi
      c. 1 dan 4
17. Pak Rendy dan Bu Dinda sedang bertengkar memperebutkan warisan. Lalu datanglah Pak Fadhil secara netral membantu melerai dan mem­beri nasihat untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara kekeluargaan. Tindakan Pak Fadhil merupakan bentuk upaya ....
      a.kompromi                   d.konversi
      b.medias                       e.arbitrasi
18. Peristiwa berikut yang menggambarkan berlangsungnya kontravensi rahasia adalah ....
      a. Bayu  menolak  bergabung  dalam  kepengurusan OSIS
      b. Ayu membantah pernah menjalin hubungan dengan Bembeng
      c. Wahyu   menyebarkan   desas-desus   bahwa Sabrina sering melanggar peraturan sekolah
      d. Fadhil membocorkan rahasia Rendy kepada orang lain
      e. Banyak guru dibuat bingung oleh tingkah Poniman yang sering tidak masuk akal
19. Tawuran antarpelajar yang marak terjadi di kota- kota besar umumnya disebabkan oleh ....
      a. sugesti kerumunan
      b. sugesti negatif
      c. sugesti prestise
      d. identifikasi kelas
      e. identifikasi defensif
20. Sikap atau pandangan orang yang diterima oleh pihak lain disebut ....
      a. imitasi                        d. akulturasi :       
      b. identifikasi                 e. simpati
      c. sugesti

Remedi Sosiologi UAS Semester 1

1.    D
2.    C
3.    A
4.    E
5.    A
6.    A
7.    E
8.    E
9.    B
10.  E
11.  E
12.  D
13.  B
14.  C
15.  B
16.  B
17.  B
18.  B
19.  B
20.  E

Teman-teman ini kunci aku di kasih sama temenku, jadi kalo bias kalian tetep nyocokin sama buku ya soalnya takut kuncinya ada yang salah.


Katy Perry Sports Latex In the Name of Barack Obama

Katy Perry spent her Wednesday night in Las Vegas, where she eagerly urged the crowd to head to the polls as soon as possible in between renditions of her hits "Part of Me," "Teenage Dream," "Wide Awake," and "Firework." The often-cartoonish pop singer opened with a cover of Al Green's "Let Stay Together," a wink to her candidate of choice, President Barack Obama.

It wasn't Perry's first time playing an Obama rally — she sang her hits at an October 8 gig in Los Angeles alongside Jennifer Hudson and Stevie Wonder earlier this month — but it was the first time she sported latex in the name of civic duty. Though Katy took the stage in a professional-looking blue sweater dress, her backup dancers unzipped the more conservative piece to reveal a skintight "ballot" mini, a proud (and sexy!) political statement that she likely created with the help of her longtime stylist, Johnny Wujek.

Perry, who turned 28 Thursday, tweeted afterward, "So tonight was a great night! The PRESIDENT gave grandma and I unforgettable shout outs & now I am officially 28! Best. birthday. ever."


I saved the youngest of this list for last! You may not remember this adorable guy as much as you did back in 2005 but to refresh your memory, this is Brendon Urie, front-man of Panic! At the Disco. This 25 year old is still rocking out now a days and you may have heard his most recent single The Ballad of Mona Lisa.
There you have it, 10 hottest band front-men! You’re welcome. Let me know if there’s anyone you think should have been on be this list. Also, have any of you lucky ladies gotten to rock out live with any of these guys?


I’m sure you all know of the punk band Blink-182 and also know of the bassist and one of the lead singers Mark Hoppus. Mark is the class clown of this list, the funny guy. This 40 year old gets his charm from seeming to be a kid trapped in an adult’s body. He is another one on this list who is off the market, being married since 2000 and has a son. Blink-182 recently got back together and is currently touring around the world! Lucky news for us ladies who have been missing Mark’s humorous antics.


You may have heard of them during this years Olympic opening ceremony, but Alex Turner is the adorably hot lead singer of The Arctic Monkeys. If the foreign guy turns you on, this young 26 year old British native is right up your alley. He can sooth your sole with his love songs but still rock your socks off! He has recently seemed to start coming out of his shell by cutting off his shaggy hair and rocking a “greaser” looking do.


Brandon Flowers is the lead singer of the band The Killers. Sorry to say girls, but this one is off the market. This 31 year old has been happily married since 2005 and is a father of three. But that doesn’t mean he still can’t be eye candy for us girls.


Since we’re talking about Nirvana, it would be wrong not to have Kurt Cobain on this list. Even thought Kurt isn’t rocking out with us anymore, he is still one of the hottest front-men around. Kurt Cobain was the lead singer, guitarist and primary song-writer for Nirvana before he shot himself at age 27. He has become a legend in the rock world, and thus why he belongs on this list.


At 43 Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters is the oldest of this list. However, he is the godfather of rock and roll and was even the drummer for Nirvana back in the day! Definitely one of the coolest front-men around and is known for playing concerts that top 3 hours in length! He shows that you don’t need to be young to rock out!


Next up is the 34 year old front-man of The Strokes, Julian Casablancas. Julian is like the mysterious cool guy you knew from high school. Always dressing up in leather jackets and sporting a pair of sunglasses. He has a thousand mile stare that you can feel from even the last row of a concert. After taking a long hiatus, I’m happy to say The Strokes are back in action, which means more Julian Casablancas for us!


I’m sure you all know who Adam Levine is by now but if not I will refresh your memory. This 33 year old is the front-man and guitarist for Maroon 5 and also a judge on the TV show The Voice. You can look forward to seeing Adam even more this October when he becomes part of the American Horror Story Season 2 cast! Adam seems to be more of the bad boy type that we love to hate. He has said that he knows he can be a pain in the ass at times but that he really is a very sweet person underneath.


Brandon Boyd is the lead singer of the band Incubus and his voice alone gives you something to be smitten over. If you’re the kind of girl who loves the poetic and romantic types, Brandon is definitely your man. This 36 year old singer is also an author and a visual artist! Just lay in bed and listen to his band’s song I Miss You, and I promise you will fall in love with Brandon too.


Jared Leto is the lead singer for the band 30 Seconds to Mars and he is my #1 pick for hottest band front-man! Not only does he raise money and support for great causes like the Haiti earthquake relief, but he’s also 40 years old and still looks like he’s in his late 20′s! He has also pursued a career in acting and was in some of my favorite films including Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, and Mr. Nobody. He has even been sought after by Hollywood beauty Scarlett Johanson! I don’t know about you guys, but a hot musician, who is also an actor, and gives to charity is definitely a triple threat of perfect in my book.


L’isola di Loreto in Italy’s Lake Iseo is not exactly crowded with people, but it’s almost entirely taken up by a castle, making it an unforgettable visual. Privately owned, the island was once the site of cloisters for the Sisters of Santa Chiara, built in 1400.

QUIRKY HOTEL : 5. Utter Inn, Lake Mälaren

It looks almost like a joke – could you really stay in a space that small, the size of a garden shed? But the Utter Inn is bigger than it looks – its second story is located underwater. Floating in the middle of Lake Mälaren, Utter  Inn features two twin beds and a table in the bedroom and a small kitchenette in the upper room. Jump right off the hotel deck into the water, or just watch the fish from the windows in the bedroom.


Stay in a stunning ‘Mirrorcube’ that reflects the surrounding forest, an oversized bird’s nest, a pod that resembles a UFO or a roomier cabin at the Treehotel, Sweden’s lofty new getaway in the pristine natural region of Harads. Each of the Treehotel’s six guest rooms are perched in the trees for unforgettable views, and they all have private bathrooms with incinerator toilets. (Good to note: the Mirrorcube has been specially treated to prevent bird collisions!)


The Japanese have been sleeping in capsules for decades, but instead of cramming tiny capsules on top of each other to maximize minimum space, the intrepid Dutch have tethered oil rig survival pods to canal in Amsterdam to create a unique and whacky floating hotel. Sleeping up to 3 people, the owners have been considerate enough to add a chemical toilet to each pod.


If you are looking for quirky hotels to really get away from it all, try the single suite 500 feet underground in the silver mine at Sala in Sweden. The facilities of the main hotel are above ground, but at night you are left alone with your cozy bed. There’s a toilet close to the suite, but don’t go wandering in the middle of the night as you’ll find yourself in a myriad of passages, caverns and lakes.